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Desculpem o longo texto em Inglês, mas penso que é uma análise interessante ao Estado de Israel

By Bruce Dixon,
The Black Commentator,
19 August 2006


if you will, a modern apartheid state with first, second and eleventh

class citizens, all required to carry identification specifying their

ethnic origin. First class citizens are obliged to serve in the armed

forces, kept on ready reserve status until in their forties, and

accorded an impressive array of housing, medical, social security,

educational and related benefits denied all others.

Second class

citizens are exempted from military service and from a number of the

benefits accorded citizens of the first class. They are issued identity

documents and license plates that allow them to be profiled by police

at a distance. Second class citizens may not own land in much of the

country and marriages between them and first class citizens are not

recognized by the state. Second class citizens are sometimes arrested

without trial and police torture, while frowned upon and occasionally

apologized for, commonly occurs.

Citizens of the eleventh class,

really not citizens at all, have no rights citizens of the first class

or their government are bound to respect. Their residence is forbidden

in nearly nine-tenths of the country, all of which they used to own.

The areas left to them are cut up into smaller and smaller portions

weekly, by high walls, free fire zones and hundreds of checkpoints

manned by the army of the first class citizens, so that none can travel

a dozen miles in any direction to work, school, shopping, a job, a

farm, a business or a hospital without several long waits, humiliating

searches and often arbitrary denials of the right to pass or to return.

Posh residential settlements for the first class citizens with

protecting gun towers and military bases are built with government

funds and foreign aid on what used to be the villages and farms and

pastures of the eleventh class citizens. The settlers are allotted

generous additional housing and other subsidies, allowed to carry

weapons and use deadly force with impunity against the former

inhabitants, and are connected with the rest of first class territory

by a network of of first-class citizen only roads.(…) [Continua…]

Citizens of the eleventh class are routinely arrested, tortured, and

held indefinitely without trial. Political activism among them is

equated to “terrorism” and the state discourages such activity by means

including but not limited to the kidnapping of suspects and relatives

of suspects, demolition of their family homes, and extralegal

assassination, sometimes at the hands of a death squad, or at others

times by lobbing missiles or five hundred pound bombs into sleeping

apartment blocks or noonday traffic. Passports are not issued to these

citizens, and those who take advantage of scarce opportunities to study

or work abroad are denied re-entry.

The apartheid state in

question is, of course, Israel. Its first class citizens are Israeli

Jews, the majority of them of European or sometimes American origin.

The second class citizens are Israeli Arabs, who enjoy significant but

limited rights under the law including token representation in the

Knesset. The eleventh class citizens are not citizens at all. They are

Palestinians. One expects to be able to say that Palestinians live in

Palestine and are governed by Palestinians, but the truth is something

different. The areas in which Palestinians may inhabit have shrunk

nearly every year since the Nakba, their name for the wave of mass

deportations, murders, the dispossession, destruction and exile of

whole Arab towns, cities and regions that attended the 1948 founding of

the state of Israel. As the whole world, except for the US public

knows, Palestinians have lived under military occupation, without land,

without rights, without hope, for nearly sixty years now.


difference between life inside and outside the US corporate media

bubble is extraordinarily clear on this question. US authorities

subsidize the state of Israel to the tune of at least six billion per

year, and corporate media take great pains to protect US citizens from

news of actual human and legal conditions their tax dollars pay for.

The ugly and racist realities of Israeli society and life under Israeli

occupation are rarely discussed anywhere most consumers of media might

find them. It is nearly taboo in mainstream US print and broadcast

media to apply the words racist or apartheid to the state of Israel or

its policies, or to call its control at the point of a gun of millions

of non-citizens what it is, namely the longest standing military

occupation in the world today. In the US media, and on the lips of

every administration since Harry Truman’s Israel is “a democracy”,

whatever that word has come to mean.

Though news stories in the

US talk about autonomous “Palestinian areas” allegedly controlled by

Palestinian authorities, often referring to Gaza and the West Bank by

name, actual maps displaying the geographic boundaries of the so-called

Palestinian controlled areas are rarely seen by American viewers, let

alone maps comparing the size of Palestinian areas year to year, or

showing the steady encroachment upon Arab land and water resources year

to year by Israeli settlements, military outposts, Israeli-only roads,

free fire zones and Israel’s wall. The massive and militarized

apartheid wall, as the rest of the world calls it, is termed a

“separation barrier” or a “separation fence” in the US media, an

understandable precaution against hordes of terroristic former owners

of the land who lurk just outside.

Still, when you Google the

terms Israel + apartheid, you get 5.5 million hits. A lot of somebodies

somewhere are making the connection without the help of CNN, ABC or Fox

News.The parallels with apartheid South Africa are many and striking.

Like its earlier apartheid cousin, Israel menaces all its neighbors

with an impressive array of nukes and the largest military

establishment in the region. As Noam Chomsky observed back in 2004:

discussed, in the US at least, is the threat from West Asia. Israel’s

nuclear capacities, supplemented with other WMD, are regarded as

“dangerous in the extreme” by the former head of the US Strategic

Command (STRATCOM), Gen. Lee Butler, not only because of the threat

they pose but also because they stimulate proliferation in response.

The Bush administration is now enhancing that threat. Israeli military

analysts allege that its air and armored forces are larger and

technologically more advanced than those of any NATO power (apart from

the US), not because this small country is powerful in itself, but

because it serves virtually as an offshore US military base and high

tech center. The US is now sending Israel over 100 of its most advanced

jet bombers, F16I’s, advertised very clearly as capable of flying to

Iran and back, and as an updated version of the F16s that Israel used

to bomb Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981 …

“The old South Africa

bombed, strafed and invaded all its neighbors with some regularity,

crippling their commerce and extracting horrific death tolls from

refugee camps and other civilian targets. The last time Israel invaded

and occupied Lebanon, it left 30,000 corpses.

White South

Africans rightly fretted at the fact that they were a minority ruling

over an unhappy majority, and concocted schemes to exile the country’s

black population to isolated rural reservations it called bantustans.

Israeli pundits calmly discuss the demographic bomb, their name for the

fact that second and eleventh class citizens, Israeli Arabs and

Palestinians will soon outnumber them within the borders of their

supposed “Jewish state” while Israeli politicians sit in Knesset and

hold ministries in successive governments openly calling for mass

deportations and ethnic cleansing.

White South Africans

constructed for themselves a bogus scriptural narrative in which the

God of Abraham promised them somebody else’s land, and brought it into

modern history with the embellishment that they were holding the line

for the free world against godless communism and the black menace. How

similar is Israel’s line that European Jews are promised the land of

Muslim and Christian Arabs, and that they now hold the line for the

free world against radical Islam and those ungrateful brown people?


at Black Commentator have to believe that if the American people knew

the truth about what their tax dollars pay for in Israel and what is

left of Palestine, there would be a deep and widespread revulsion,

similar to that occasioned by US support for apartheid in South Africa.

But there are important differences between that time and this one.

Though unspeakably odious, racist South African was only marginally

important to US interests. By contrast, the maintenance of Israel’s

apartheid regime, essentially a white hi-tech and military outpost in

the middle of all those brown people sitting atop a large share of the

world’s proven oil reserves is absolutely central to US foreign policy

for the foreseeable future. The US is Israel’s banker, its arms depot,

and its principal diplomatic sponsor. The US is far more complicit in

the crimes of the Israeli state than it ever was in South Africa.


and apartheid being what they are, and our historical experience in

America being what it is, African Americans have a crucial role to

play. African Americans have seldom supported US imperial adventures

overseas as readily as whites. Our American experience inclines us to a

skeptical appraisal of our government’s means and motives at home and

abroad. Even though we live as much within the media bubble as white

America, where images of the broken and mangled families, the

incinerated homes and bombed hospitals are hard to come by, our

skepticism leads us to sympathize with those who live at the sharp end

of US foreign policy far more often than do our white neighbors.


first duty is to tell the truth to each other. We must combat among

ourselves the bogus historical narratives which permit indifference to

US policy in the Middle East in general, and support of Israeli

apartheid in particular. The churchgoers among us urgently, publicly

and repeatedly must confront and debunk the nonsense which holds that

“wars and rumors of wars” are something predestined to happen in the

biblical holy land for what they are – bad scripture and fake history.

We need to interrupt, correct and school everyone who talks to us about

a “cycle of violence” in the Holy Land, as though some raggedy fool

with a suicide belt, or a few hundred fighters with small arms are or

ever have been equivalent to the devastation wrought by the established

gulags, checkpoints, airborne firepower, economic strangulation, house

demolitions and nuclear armed might of the Israeli state. The two sides

do not have access to anything like equal means of inflicting violence,

and so cannot be equally culpable or equally responsible for stopping

that violence.

We need to catch up with the rest of the

civilized world, and talk about what we can do to emphatically withdraw

our support from the apartheid state of Israel and its immoral and

illegal occupation regime. The Presbyterian church, for example, has in

the past considered selective divestiture from Israel and from US

companies who profit from the occupation, as have the Anglicans. Both

might do so again. What can our churches, our unions, our local elected

officials, our young people do? What will we do?

Apartheid in

South Africa eventually bit the dust mostly because the inhabitants of

that country, black, brown and white resisted it, putting their bodies

and lives on the line. Their resistance was aided and abetted

materially, financially, politically and spiritually by people of good

will the world over. Someday the sun will rise on a post-apartheid

Jerusalem, one that belongs to all the people who live there of

whatever origin. This is bound to happen because Palestinians as well

as substantial numbers of Israeli Jews do and will continue to resist

the regime. They will do what they can. What will we do?”

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